Olenox Energy Corp


OTC Disclosures

Publish Date Title Period End Date Status
14-Jun-2024 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2023 ACTIVE
19-May-2024 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2023 ACTIVE
18-May-2023 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2022 ACTIVE
15-May-2023 OTCQB Certification - 10K 31-Dec-2022 ACTIVE
2-May-2022 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2021 ACTIVE
25-Apr-2022 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2021 ACTIVE
21-Apr-2021 OTCQB Certification - Annual Report 31-Dec-2020 ACTIVE
25-Apr-2020 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2019 ACTIVE
16-May-2019 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2018 ACTIVE
23-May-2018 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2017 ACTIVE
22-Apr-2018 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2017 ACTIVE
12-Jun-2017 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2016 ACTIVE
28-Apr-2017 Annual Report 31-Dec-2016 ACTIVE
1-May-2016 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2015 ACTIVE
20-Apr-2015 OTCQB Certification 31-Dec-2014 ACTIVE
13-Nov-2014 OTCQB Certification - DM Products 13-Nov-2014 ACTIVE
Please note that this information is sourced from the OTC Markets official website and may be subject to change. For the most accurate and up-to-date details, kindly verify the information here: Disclosure.

SEC Filings

Form type Filed Reporting for Reporting Body
10-Q (Quarterly report) 29-Aug-2024 30-Jun-2024 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 14-Aug-2024 30-Jun-2024 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 16-Jul-2024 5-Jul-2024 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 1-Jul-2024 31-Mar-2024 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
SC 14F1 (Change in board majority) 18-Jun-2024 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 16-May-2024 31-Mar-2024 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-K (Annual report) 16-May-2024 31-Dec-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 22-Apr-2024 16-Apr-2024 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-K (Late filing notice) 3-Apr-2024 31-Dec-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 29-Dec-2023 30-Sep-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 15-Nov-2023 30-Sep-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 13-Nov-2023 5-Nov-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 28-Sep-2023 30-Jun-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 15-Aug-2023 30-Jun-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K/A (Current report) 9-Aug-2023 3-Jul-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 4-Aug-2023 3-Jul-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 29-Jun-2023 31-Mar-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 16-May-2023 31-Mar-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-K (Annual report) 15-May-2023 31-Dec-2022 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-K (Late filing notice) 4-Apr-2023 31-Dec-2022 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 7-Mar-2023 3-Mar-2023 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 8-Dec-2022 30-Sep-2022 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 14-Nov-2022 30-Sep-2022 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 26-Sep-2022 30-Jun-2022 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 15-Aug-2022 30-Jun-2022 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 21-Jun-2022 21-Jun-2022 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 23-May-2022 31-Mar-2022 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 16-May-2022 31-Mar-2022 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-K (Annual report) 18-Apr-2022 31-Dec-2021 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-K (Late filing notice) 31-Mar-2022 31-Dec-2021 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 18-Nov-2021 30-Sep-2021 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 15-Nov-2021 30-Sep-2021 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 20-Aug-2021 30-Jun-2021 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 16-Aug-2021 30-Jun-2021 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 24-May-2021 31-Mar-2021 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 17-May-2021 31-Mar-2021 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-K (Annual report) 14-Apr-2021 31-Dec-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-K (Late filing notice) 31-Mar-2021 31-Dec-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 20-Nov-2020 30-Sep-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 16-Nov-2020 30-Sep-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 16-Oct-2020 21-Sep-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 5-Oct-2020 18-Sep-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
4 (Insider trading report) 4-Sep-2020 31-Aug-2020

Lin Kok Peng Jeffrey
New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)

8-K (Current report) 19-Aug-2020 14-Aug-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 18-Aug-2020 30-Jun-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 14-Aug-2020 8-Jul-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 13-Jul-2020 8-Jul-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 16-Jun-2020 16-Jun-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
DEF 14C (Information statement) 28-May-2020 13-May-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 26-May-2020 31-Mar-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 14-May-2020 14-May-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
PRE 14C (Information statement (preliminary)) 1-May-2020 14-May-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-K (Annual report) 17-Apr-2020 31-Dec-2019 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
8-K (Current report) 30-Mar-2020 30-Mar-2020 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
10-Q (Quarterly report) 19-Nov-2019 30-Sep-2019 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
NT 10-Q (Late filing notice) 14-Nov-2019 30-Sep-2019 New Asia Holdings, Inc. (NAHD)
Please note that this information is sourced from the US Security and Exchange Commission official website and may be subject to change. For the most accurate and up-to-date details, kindly verify the information here: SEC Filings.